彼得Gruenstein 69


乔戴维斯10, still in his 20s, soared to a coveted post as the play-by-play announcer for the L.A. 道奇队在标志性播音员范·斯库利退役后. 他是怎么走得这么快的? 

在断断续续的大学篮球比赛2月21日之间的亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州, 两支太平洋12强联盟的球队都陷入了连败的泥潭, 乔·戴维斯已经做了功课. 这位洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers)的新解说员知道,他的广播搭档, 前加州大学洛杉矶分校教练史蒂夫·拉文, 曾经经历过自己的连败——而且是一个离奇的转折. “真实的故事,上半场进行到一半时,戴维斯对拉文说, 当两队都在努力打到篮筐的时候. 你在加州大学洛杉矶分校九连败期间, 一个学生记者在新闻发布会上问你谁会是一个好的替代者. 这个问题令人难忘,而你的回答更令人难忘.这让拉文明白,不,他没有对学生记者冷眼. 而, he actually discussed at some length the merits of the four or five coaches who had been ru更多的d as his possible successor.

戴维斯的小插曲不仅是勤奋准备的产物,也是灵巧的. It gave the beleaguered fans permission to smile while putting into perspective the misfortune that visits all teams and their fans, 迟早的事.

两天后, 戴维斯当时正和他的分析师搭档在凤凰城参加道奇队的季前赛, 奥廖尔Hershiser. 充分利用春训比赛的轻松特性, 戴维斯鼓励好时公司, 著名的前道奇队投手, 探讨当时和现在春训的不同之处, including the scientific advances made in measuring the pitching motion and spin rate of the pitched ball, 好时公司津津有味地扩大了这一领域. “With all that information, I don’t know how I would’ve been able to sleep,” Hershiser concluded. “你会喜欢的,”戴维斯说. “哦,我的天哪,”Hershiser同意道. “我会把它吃掉的.”

The exchange was one of many ways Davis gives viewers a gentle insight into the character of his partner while keeping a less than consequential broadcast lively.

这是戴维斯作为一名电视体育播音员迅速崛起的开始 已被记录在本杂志(2015年夏季). 2010年毕业后, 在闪电序列中, he went from doing play-by-play for the AA minor league Montgomery Biscuits to some combination of college baseball, 足球, 和康卡斯特东南篮球队, ESPN, 和福克斯体育, 他还称大联盟和NFL比赛.

7月,戴维斯在道奇体育场与一位年轻的球迷打招呼. 7月,戴维斯在道奇体育场与一位年轻的球迷打招呼.
图片来源:Max S. 美国格柏公司
从那以后,戴维斯取得了长足的进步. In 2016, 期待着传奇的道奇队播音员范·斯库利的退休, 戴维斯被雇来为道奇队召唤50场比赛. He excelled and assumed the mantle of Scully’s successor in 2017 while continuing to do baseball, 大学橄榄球和篮球, 福克斯的NFL.

It is hard to overstate what a big deal—and what a daunting challenge—the Dodger opportunity was. 布鲁克林/洛杉矶道奇队是一支传奇的体育球队, 洛杉矶的电视市场非常庞大. 但更重要的是,这位来自密歇根州波特维尔的20多岁(现年31岁)、长着一张娃娃脸的孩子.(流行. 2,671)成为了70年来道奇队的第二位“代言人”, 接替一个偶像般的人物, 不仅仅是在南加州,而是在所有的体育广播中.

追求自己喜欢的职业, 优秀地, 而且报酬丰厚——这几乎是每个人对理想工作的定义. 当然是乔·戴维斯的, 谁会第一个告诉你,他的事业不是靠自己建立起来的. 花了一所大学的时间. 戴维斯说,伯洛伊特“让我在毕业时走在了前面。. Professor Emeritus of Economics and Entrepreneurship Jerry Gustafson’63 and retired Broadcast Instructor Dave Knutson’94 can tell you how.

“Joe was a wonderful exemplar of somebody who was trying to take advantage of the college’s resources beyond the formal, 标准化的课程,古斯塔夫森回忆道. “He was able to find a lot of help at 贝洛伊特 in ways you wouldn’t have thought a college would’ve been able to provide.” Among those was a connection Gustafson had to the owner of the Schaumburg Flyers minor league team in Illinois, 这让戴维斯得到了广播公司的暑期实习机会. 古斯塔夫森鼓励戴维斯追求自己的创业本能, which led to Davis starting a business editing high school athlete recruiting films (which made him a few thousand dollars and helped with expenses, 戴维斯回忆).

When Davis told broadcasting instructor Knutson the first week of classes freshman year that he wanted to be a sports broadcaster, 克努森告诉他:“这不仅仅是坐在麦克风后面说话.”

戴维斯很快就拿到了. He learned all about production and started broadcasting 贝洛伊特 basketball games his freshman year. Then he was given the opportunity—and the encouragement—to expand the primitive one camera set up to three. He started his own community access TV sports show—he was even given permission to tackle the tricky logistics of remote broadcasting from a downtown 贝洛伊特 Irish bar.

鹰不能在隧道里翱翔, 而且是在一个大机构, 戴维斯的进展可能会受到协议和数量的限制. He would have been lucky to be operating a camera by the end of his freshman year, Knutson says. “Cream rises to the top and someone would have noticed his talents if he had gone to the University of Wisconsin or Notre Dame. 但在伯洛伊特,他可以从第一天起就全身心投入,并得到一对一的鼓励.”

Davis also wangled independent study help from the chair of the communications program at the time, 戏剧副教授艾米·萨尔诺, 谁一开始就告诉他她对体育转播一无所知. 尽管如此, 萨尔诺教戴维斯有用的体育转播技巧, 比如如何发声,说话时如何呼吸. Davis is grateful: “What broadcasting school is going to have a study on projecting their voice? 这就是我在贝洛伊特的结果.”

伯洛伊特提供的小型文理学院体验, 根据古斯塔夫森和克努森的说法, 让戴维斯有机会打造自己的个性化教育. 如果他有什么想法的话,那是个人化的, 他可以把它拿给他的教练,学点聪明的, 及时的反馈. 这很灵活——让我们在一家爱尔兰酒吧里做一个社区电视节目. 它是实际操作的,而不是仅仅阅读如何使用多个摄像头,让我们尝试一下. 也没有人为的障碍——他从来没有被告知新生不能这样做. 简而言之,对于像戴维斯这样积极主动的学习者来说,这是一个非常好的环境.

伯洛伊特的另一个重点帮助了戴维斯, albeit one that he was preternaturally disposed toward: The importance of preparation and detail. “我对自己做的每件事都很执着,”以最优等成绩毕业的戴维斯说. “我认为这种强迫性是坚持不懈的动力.他的另一个自我描述是“一丝不苟”.“确实, 戴维斯和好时都兴高采烈地描述自己, 彼此之间, 作为肛门保留, which is one (of a number) of reasons the two have become very close friends despite their age difference.

Hershiser, 60, who has been an analyst for ESPN and worked with a variety of play-by-play announcers over the years, 对戴维斯的准备程度感到敬畏吗. “如果我忘记了什么,”Hershiser说,“比如交易时间,他就会把我的话说完. 这就是他的准备. And it seems like a conversation because it is a conversation, because he’s so ready for anything.”

幕后的辛勤工作是戴维斯成功的秘诀之一. 即使在休赛期,他也经常 ... 幕后的辛勤工作是戴维斯成功的秘诀之一. 即使在休赛期,他也经常 up at 4:30 in the morning researching players on the opposing teams the Dodgers will face the next season.
图片来源:Max S. 美国格柏公司

这种准备有几种形式. 比赛结束后,戴维斯大约11点回到家.m.他会再花90分钟左右的时间研究第二天的投手. 在休赛期,他早上4:30起床.m. most mornings to put in the same kind of research on the players of opposing teams the Dodgers will face the next season. 这种努力为数百名玩家提供了非常详细的电子页面, 充满了数据, 细节, 和轶事. 哦,我有没有提到? 它们有六种不同的颜色编码.

This manic labor yields such nuggets as these during a San Francisco Giants series in mid-June: Giants pitching ace Madison Bumgarner grew up in a small North Carolina county that had so many Bumgarners a section is called “Bumtown,” and that Bumgarner is a bear hunter who bought farmland and paid off his mother’s mortgage with his draft bonus money. These kinds of tidbits occur with almost inning-by-inning regularity during a typical Davis/Hershiser broadcast and are laced both with technical analysis and historical anecdotes, 比如20世纪初传说中的巨人队经理约翰·麦格劳就非常刻薄, 据一位同时代的人说, 他“每天早上都吃火药当早餐,然后用热血把它冲下去。.”

戴维斯的伯洛伊特之旅并不完全是典型的. 一个高中明星四分卫被招募, 波特维尔的孩子有选择, 包括布朗, 哈佛大学, 和锡拉丘兹. 他选择伯洛伊特的原因之一是在大一的时候有机会踢足球. 至少还有一位伯洛伊特校友对他的做法感到特别高兴:里克·克拉耶夫斯基(Rick Krajewski), a fraternity brother and Dodgers full-time statistician who sits in the same cozy broadcasting booth in Dodger Stadium feeding Davis and Hershiser arcane and wonderful baseball statistics. 戴维斯的妻子利比(Libby)对这个选择也很满意. 尽管她没有上过伯洛伊特大学,但他们在他大二的一个新年派对上认识了. 他们现在和两个年幼的孩子住在南帕萨迪纳.

回首往事, 戴维斯说,如果他不决定去伯洛伊特大学就读,那他就是“疯了”. “There were so many people that were willing to create opportunities and help me create those opportunities—that became the biggest benefit of all.”

他还说,他受益于他的文科教育. “I don’t know who said the line but I’ve heard it before: You spend a week preparing to call a 足球 or basketball game, 但你一辈子都在准备一场棒球比赛.”

主修戏剧艺术/传播学,辅修新闻学, 戴维斯还选修了政治学课程, 心理学, 经济学, 和哲学. 他说:“你能想到的几乎所有学科的所有类别,你都能想到。. “在这些方面的一点点学习就是文科教育的意义所在, 作为一名棒球播音员, 非常有价值的背景.”

没选伯洛伊特而不是哈佛真是疯了? 戴维斯迄今为止的生活和职业选择是无可辩驳的. 毫无疑问,无论他的本科决定如何,他的惊人天赋都会胜出. 但也很难反驳一个结论,即定制, 亲自动手的, 没有人为的障碍,教育推动了火箭的发展.

在成为阿拉斯加的出庭律师之前, 彼得·格林斯坦1969年是华盛顿的一名调查记者, D.C.在那里,他也写过一些体育文章. His series on defense contractors giving gifts to Pentagon officials and congressmen was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. 他的儿子利奥·格林斯坦协助撰写了这篇文章.


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